FAQs for Employers

The Rescue Data Recovery Benefit provides Data Recovery Service ("DRS") for memory storage device failure, viruses, software issues, and other problems that can cause data loss.

Please refer to the specific terms and conditions for details and exclusions for coverage options.

Coverage under the Benefit begins on the effective date. Coverage continues until the earlier of twelve (12) months after the Benefit effective date, or the employee’s last day of employment with the employer. Under the Benefit, the Equipment is eligible for two (2) In-Lab Data Recovery attempts during the term of coverage and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Benefit. Additionally, during the benefit term, the employee is limited to a maximum of six (6) In-Lab Recovery attempts for all of their Equipment. The Benefit does not provide coverage for any of the losses set forth in the section titled “WHAT IS NOT COVERED” of the terms and conditions.

The employee should call the Administrator at 1-866-883-4981, Monday – Friday (9am – 6pm ET), and explain the problem. The employee will be instructed on the next steps for filing a claim under the Benefit. Additional details about the program and filing a claim can be found at http://afterprotection.com/employee.html.

When the employee makes a claim, they will be assigned a dedicated recovery specialist/case manager who can answer their questions. They will also have access to 24/7 online case status tracking at  https://seagatewtb.secure.force.com/tracker/"

In-Lab Data Recovery Services are needed when data is lost due to a device physical failure. Without the Rescue Data Recovery Benefit, recovery fees start at $599 and can easily be over $2,000 based on the employee's data loss circumstances.

Our data recovery specialists will ask the employee for information about their drive failure and provide the information needed for them to send it in to the lab for recovery. Our recovery technicians will perform the recovery, place any recovered data on the appropriate media or a cloud storage website, and get the recovered data back to them.

The employee’s data can be restored within two days or up to one month upon receipt of the memory storage device, depending on the complexity of the recovery.

Unless the employee requests it at the time of making the data recovery claim, we will not return the original device since it typically will be rendered inoperable as a result of the recovery attempt. Please note that we securely dispose of all original devices.

The recovered data may either be loaded on a media storage device or into a cloud-based data storage location from which the employee’s recovered data will be available for sixty (60) days. If we elect to return the employee’s data via a cloud-based data storage location, the employee may request the data be returned on a physical media storage device, though some charges may apply for the cost of the storage device in this scenario. If we choose to return the data to the employee on a media storage device rather than in a cloud-based data storage location, then there will be no charge for the media storage device in this scenario.

Unfortunately, no. We use commercially reasonable efforts to recover data through In-Lab servicing. In some cases, however, devices may be too badly damaged to recover all or any of the data. In cases where the data has not been recovered, we will provide an explanation to the employee as to why the employee’s data was not recoverable.

In the U. S., we will pay the shipping costs associated with shipping the employee’s equipment to the designated laboratory facility, as well as the cost of shipping any other data storage media containing data recovered from the original equipment back to the employee. In all other countries and regions, we may cover part or all of the related shipping costs; the employee should contact the Administrator for more details. When the employee sends the Equipment to the Administrator, they must use the original device packaging or packaging that provides an equal level of protection to prevent any further damage to the device. Please note that the employee will be responsible for any risk of loss of the device until it is received by the Administrator.